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Developmental validation of the ForenSeq MainstAY kit, MiSeq FGx sequencing system and ForenSeq Universal Analysis Software
Kathryn M. Stephens, Richelle Barta, Keenan Fleming, Juan Carlos Perez, Shan-Fu Wu, June Snedecor, Cydne L. Holt, Bobby LaRue and Bruce Budowle Forensic Science International: Genetics 64 102851 (2023)
A Systematic Review on Commercially Available Integrated Systems for Forensic DNA Analysis
Christian Haarkötter, María Saiz, M. J. Alvarez-Cubero, Juan Carlos Alvarez and J. A. Lorente Handbook of DNA Profiling 1067 (2022)
The development of miniSTRs as a method for high‐speed direct PCR
Dide Boelens, Roberta Fogliatto Mariot, Mirna Ghemrawi, Ate D. Kloosterman and Bruce R. McCord ELECTROPHORESIS 42(12-13) 1352 (2021)
Micromanipulation of single cells and fingerprints for forensic identification
Probabilistic peak detection in CE‐LIF for STR DNA typing
Michael Woldegebriel, Arian van Asten, Ate Kloosterman and Gabriel Vivó‐Truyols ELECTROPHORESIS 38(13-14) 1713 (2017)
A rapid nuclear staining test using cationic dyes contributes to efficient STR analysis of telogen hair roots
So‐Yeon Lee, Eun‐Ju Ha, Seung‐Kyun Woo, So‐Min Lee, Kyung‐Hee Lim and Yong‐Bin Eom ELECTROPHORESIS 38(13-14) 1771 (2017)
Advances in DNA typing in the agro-food supply chain
A high volume extraction and purification method for recovering DNA from human bone
Pamela L. Marshall, Monika Stoljarova, Sarah E. Schmedes, Jonathan L. King and Bruce Budowle Forensic Science International: Genetics 12 155 (2014)
Improved analysis of long STR amplicons from degraded single source and mixed DNA
Antoinette A. Westen, Kristiaan J. van der Gaag, Peter de Knijff and Titia Sijen International Journal of Legal Medicine 127(4) 741 (2013)
Pressure cycling technology (PCT) reduces effects of inhibitors of the PCR
Pamela L. Marshall, Jonathan L. King, Nathan P. Lawrence, et al. International Journal of Legal Medicine 127(2) 321 (2013)
Evaluating the performance of whole genome amplification for use in low template DNA typing
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Assessment of mock cases involving complex low template DNA mixtures: A descriptive study
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Automating a combined composite–consensus method to generate DNA profiles from low and high template mixture samples
DNA Electrophoresis Protocols for Forensic Genetics
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Casework testing of the multiplex kits AmpFℓSTR® SEfiler Plus™ PCR amplification kit (AB), PowerPlex® S5 System (Promega) and AmpFℓSTR® MiniFiler™ PCR amplification kit (AB)
Kathrin Müller, Thomas Sommerer, Erich Miltner, Harald Schneider and Peter Wiegand Forensic Science International: Genetics 4(3) 200 (2010)
Integrated DNA and Fingerprint Analyses in the Identification of 60‐Year‐Old Mummified Human Remains Discovered in an Alaskan Glacier
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Development and Validation of the AmpFℓSTR® MiniFilerTM PCR Amplification Kit: A MiniSTR Multiplex for the Analysis of Degraded and/or PCR Inhibited DNA*
Julio J. Mulero, Chien Wei Chang, Robert E. Lagacé, Dennis Y. Wang, Jennifer L. Bas, Timothy P. McMahon and Lori K. Hennessy Journal of Forensic Sciences 53(4) 838 (2008)
STR typing of ancient DNA extracted from hair shafts of Siberian mummies
Low volume amplification and sequencing of mitochondrial DNA on a chemically structured chip
Sabine Lutz-Bonengel, Timo Sänger, Marielle Heinrich, Ulrike Schön and Ulrike Schmidt International Journal of Legal Medicine 121(1) 68 (2006)