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Developmental validation of the ForenSeq MainstAY kit, MiSeq FGx sequencing system and ForenSeq Universal Analysis Software

Kathryn M. Stephens, Richelle Barta, Keenan Fleming, Juan Carlos Perez, Shan-Fu Wu, June Snedecor, Cydne L. Holt, Bobby LaRue and Bruce Budowle
Forensic Science International: Genetics 64 102851 (2023)

A Systematic Review on Commercially Available Integrated Systems for Forensic DNA Analysis

Brigitte Bruijns, Jaap Knotter and Roald Tiggelaar
Sensors 23 (3) 1075 (2023)

The development of miniSTRs as a method for high‐speed direct PCR

Dide Boelens, Roberta Fogliatto Mariot, Mirna Ghemrawi, Ate D. Kloosterman and Bruce R. McCord
ELECTROPHORESIS 42 (12-13) 1352 (2021)

Micromanipulation of single cells and fingerprints for forensic identification

Lana Ostojic, Craig O’Connor and Elisa Wurmbach
Forensic Science International: Genetics 51 102430 (2021)

Determining the optimal forensic DNA analysis procedure following investigation of sample quality

Ronny Hedell, Johannes Hedman and Petter Mostad
International Journal of Legal Medicine 132 (4) 955 (2018)

Current and emerging tools for the recovery of genetic information from post mortem samples: New directions for disaster victim identification

J. Watherston, D. McNevin, M.E. Gahan, D. Bruce and J. Ward
Forensic Science International: Genetics 37 270 (2018)

Low-template methods yield limited extra information for PowerPlex® Fusion 6C profiling

Francisca Duijs, Linda van de Merwe, Titia Sijen and Corina C.G. Benschop
Legal Medicine 33 62 (2018)

Probabilistic peak detection in CE‐LIF for STR DNA typing

Michael Woldegebriel, Arian van Asten, Ate Kloosterman and Gabriel Vivó‐Truyols
ELECTROPHORESIS 38 (13-14) 1713 (2017)

A rapid nuclear staining test using cationic dyes contributes to efficient STR analysis of telogen hair roots

So‐Yeon Lee, Eun‐Ju Ha, Seung‐Kyun Woo, So‐Min Lee, Kyung‐Hee Lim and Yong‐Bin Eom
ELECTROPHORESIS 38 (13-14) 1771 (2017)

Developmental validation and evaluation of a miniSTR pentaplex in forensic genetics

Jacek Drabik, Michal Szeremeta, Agata Jagiello, et al.
Forensic Science International: Genetics 20 e4 (2016)

Enhanced low-template DNA analysis conditions and investigation of allele dropout patterns

Ronny Hedell, Charlotte Dufva, Ricky Ansell, Petter Mostad and Johannes Hedman
Forensic Science International: Genetics 14 61 (2015)

Utility of amplification enhancers in low copy number DNA analysis

Pamela L. Marshall, Jonathan L. King and Bruce Budowle
International Journal of Legal Medicine 129 (1) 43 (2015)

Evaluation of parameters in mixed male DNA profiles for the Identifiler® multiplex system

International Journal of Molecular Medicine 34 (1) 43 (2014)

A high volume extraction and purification method for recovering DNA from human bone

Pamela L. Marshall, Monika Stoljarova, Sarah E. Schmedes, Jonathan L. King and Bruce Budowle
Forensic Science International: Genetics 12 155 (2014)

Consensus and pool profiles to assist in the analysis and interpretation of complex low template DNA mixtures

Corina Benschop, Hinda Haned and Titia Sijen
International Journal of Legal Medicine 127 (1) 11 (2013)

Improved analysis of long STR amplicons from degraded single source and mixed DNA

Antoinette A. Westen, Kristiaan J. van der Gaag, Peter de Knijff and Titia Sijen
International Journal of Legal Medicine 127 (4) 741 (2013)

Pressure cycling technology (PCT) reduces effects of inhibitors of the PCR

Pamela L. Marshall, Jonathan L. King, Nathan P. Lawrence, et al.
International Journal of Legal Medicine 127 (2) 321 (2013)

Evaluating the performance of whole genome amplification for use in low template DNA typing

James Chun-I Lee, Li-Chin Tsai, Pi-Yi Lai, Cheng-Chang Lee, Chun-Yen Lin, Tsun-Ying Huang, Adrian Linacre and Hsing-Mei Hsieh
Medicine, Science and the Law 52 (4) 223 (2012)

Assessment of mock cases involving complex low template DNA mixtures: A descriptive study

Corina C.G. Benschop, Hinda Haned, Tanja J.P. de Blaeij, Alexander J. Meulenbroek and Titia Sijen
Forensic Science International: Genetics 6 (6) 697 (2012)

Automating a combined composite–consensus method to generate DNA profiles from low and high template mixture samples

Bram Bekaert, Anneleen Van Geystelen, Nancy Vanderheyden, Maarten H.D. Larmuseau and Ronny Decorte
Forensic Science International: Genetics 6 (5) 588 (2012)

Assessment of the stochastic threshold, back- and forward stutter filters and low template techniques for NGM

Antoinette A. Westen, Laurens J.W. Grol, Joyce Harteveld, et al.
Forensic Science International: Genetics 6 (6) 708 (2012)

DNA Electrophoresis Protocols for Forensic Genetics

Zoran M. Budimlija and Theresa A. Caragine
Methods in Molecular Biology, DNA Electrophoresis Protocols for Forensic Genetics 830 199 (2012)

Publications and letters related to the forensic genetic analysis of low amounts of DNA

Peter M. Schneider, John M. Butler and Ángel Carracedo
Forensic Science International: Genetics 5 (1) 1 (2011)

Low template STR typing: Effect of replicate number and consensus method on genotyping reliability and DNA database search results

Corina C.G. Benschop, Cornelis P. van der Beek, Hugo C. Meiland, et al.
Forensic Science International: Genetics 5 (4) 316 (2011)

Casework testing of the multiplex kits AmpFℓSTR® SEfiler Plus™ PCR amplification kit (AB), PowerPlex® S5 System (Promega) and AmpFℓSTR® MiniFiler™ PCR amplification kit (AB)

Kathrin Müller, Thomas Sommerer, Erich Miltner, Harald Schneider and Peter Wiegand
Forensic Science International: Genetics 4 (3) 200 (2010)

Integrated DNA and Fingerprint Analyses in the Identification of 60‐Year‐Old Mummified Human Remains Discovered in an Alaskan Glacier

Odile M. Loreille, Ryan L. Parr, Kevin A. McGregor, Colleen M. Fitzpatrick, Chriss Lyon, Dongya Y. Yang, Camilla F. Speller, Michael R. Grimm, Michael J. Grimm, Jodi A. Irwin and Edward M. Robinson
Journal of Forensic Sciences 55 (3) 813 (2010)

Extracting evidence from forensic DNA analyses: future molecular biology directions

Bruce Budowle and Angela van Daal
BioTechniques 46 (5) 339 (2009)

Validation of the Short Amplicon Multiplex Q8 Including the German DNA Database Systems*

Kathrin Müller, Günter Braunschweiger, Rachel Klein, Erich Miltner and Peter Wiegand
Journal of Forensic Sciences 54 (4) 862 (2009)

Higher Capillary Electrophoresis Injection Settings as an Efficient Approach to Increase the Sensitivity of STR Typing

Antoinette A. Westen, Jord H. A. Nagel, Corina C. G. Benschop, Natalie E. C. Weiler, Bas J. De Jong and Titia Sijen
Journal of Forensic Sciences 54 (3) 591 (2009)

The impact of DNA contamination of bone samples in forensic case analysis and anthropological research

Nicole von Wurmb-Schwark, Anke Heinrich, Mechthild Freudenberg, Michael Gebühr and Thorsten Schwark
Legal Medicine 10 (3) 125 (2008)

Development and Validation of the AmpFℓSTR® MiniFilerTM PCR Amplification Kit: A MiniSTR Multiplex for the Analysis of Degraded and/or PCR Inhibited DNA*

Julio J. Mulero, Chien Wei Chang, Robert E. Lagacé, Dennis Y. Wang, Jennifer L. Bas, Timothy P. McMahon and Lori K. Hennessy
Journal of Forensic Sciences 53 (4) 838 (2008)

Low volume amplification and sequencing of mitochondrial DNA on a chemically structured chip

Sabine Lutz-Bonengel, Timo Sänger, Marielle Heinrich, Ulrike Schön and Ulrike Schmidt
International Journal of Legal Medicine 121 (1) 68 (2006)