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TGFBR1 Variants Can Associate with Non-Syndromic Congenital Heart Disease without Aortopathy
Manal Alaamery, Nour Albesher, Fahad Alhabshan, Phil Barnett, Mohamed Salim Kabbani, Farah Chaikhouni, Aho Ilgun, Olaf R. F. Mook, Hessa Alsaif, Vincent M. Christoffels, Peter van Tintelen, Arthur A. M. Wilde, Arjan C. Houweling, Salam Massadeh and Alex V. Postma Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease 10(11) 455 (2023)
The DNA Methylation Status of Wnt and Tgfβ Signals Is a Key Factor on Functional Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Satellite Cell Development
Critical Role for the Advanced Glycation End‐Products Receptor in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Etiology
Jolyane Meloche, Antony Courchesne, Marjorie Barrier, Sophie Carter, Malik Bisserier, Roxane Paulin, Jean‐François Lauzon‐Joset, Sandra Breuils‐Bonnet, Ève Tremblay, Sabrina Biardel, Christine Racine, Christian Courture, Pierre Bonnet, Susan M. Majka, Yves Deshaies, Frédéric Picard, Steeve Provencher and Sébastien Bonnet Journal of the American Heart Association 2(1) (2013)