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Alleviation role of exogenous cadaverine on cell cycle, endogenous polyamines amounts and biochemical enzyme changes in barley seedlings under drought stress
Efraín Tovar-Sánchez, Ramón Suarez-Rodríguez, Augusto Ramírez-Trujillo, et al. Biosensors for Environmental Monitoring (2019)
The effect of high hydrostatic pressure on the physiological and biochemical properties of pepper (Capsicum annuumL.) seedlings
Environmental Adaptations and Stress Tolerance of Plants in the Era of Climate Change
Losanka P. Popova, Liliana T. Maslenkova, Albena Ivanova and Zhivka Stoinova Environmental Adaptations and Stress Tolerance of Plants in the Era of Climate Change 447 (2012)
Exogenous treatment with salicylic acid attenuates cadmium toxicity in pea seedlings